No Oven Chocolate Cake | Chocolate Biscuit cake | Chocolate Cake Recipe | Eggless Biscuit Cake
No Oven Chocolate Cake | Chocolate Biscuit cake | Chocolate Cake Recipe | Eggless Biscuit Cake

Hello everybody, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, no oven chocolate cake | chocolate biscuit cake | chocolate cake recipe | eggless biscuit cake. One of my favorites. For mine, I’m gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious. Eggless Biscuit Cake is one of the most popular of recent trending meals on earth. It is appreciated by millions every day. It’s easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. Chocolate Biscuit cake

To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook no oven chocolate cake | chocolate biscuit cake | chocolate cake recipe | eggless biscuit cake using 5 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make No Oven Chocolate Cake | Chocolate Biscuit cake | Chocolate Cake Recipe | Eggless Biscuit Cake:
  1. Prepare Bourbon Biscuit
  2. Make ready Milk
  3. Make ready ENO
  4. Prepare Raisins (optional)
  5. Take Cashews (optional)

Leave extra cling film hanging over the sides. Bash the biscuits into pieces using a rolling pin. When it comes to celebrating a special occasion, there is nothing better than tucking into a slice of classic chocolate cake. The ultimate indulgence, a rich, velvety ganache takes this dessert to the next level.

Steps to make No Oven Chocolate Cake | Chocolate Biscuit cake | Chocolate Cake Recipe | Eggless Biscuit Cake:
  1. To make the chocolate cake, I will take a packet of Bourbon biscuits, one packet milk, one packet ENO, and a few raisins. I will take Bourbon biscuit because it has sugar on top and cream inside, so there is no need for extra sugar and butter.
  2. Now I will grind the biscuits well. To make the cake more soft and spongy, I will not heat the cake directly by the oven. I will bake the cake by the steam heating only. That is why I will add a little water to the pan and I will put a wire stand inside the water so that the baking bowl does not touch the water.
  3. And now I will put the lid and leave it for 10 minutes under a high flame to preheat. I will take the ground biscuit into the mixing bowl.
  4. Now I will add a little milk, and a little raisin here, and I will mix it well, I will add milk little by little here.
  5. At last, I will add a little ENO into the mixture, and I will prepare the batter well. You guys can also add baking soda or baking powder here.
  6. Now, I will add a little oil to a baking bowl and spread it well, and I will pour the batter here slowly. I will give some cashews and raisins on top. I did not say about cashew at the starting because it is optional, you can skip it if you want.
  7. Now, I will place the baking bowl well in the pan (on the wire stand), and I will cook it for 25 minutes at the low flame.
  8. Now I will check it with a knife whether it is baked well or not. Now I will put it at the room temperature to cool down.
  9. Now I will take it on a plate, I will easily take it out with a knife and my cake is ready.

When it comes to celebrating a special occasion, there is nothing better than tucking into a slice of classic chocolate cake. The ultimate indulgence, a rich, velvety ganache takes this dessert to the next level. Divine smooth outer layer and crunchy inner great for kids party's,formal party's and picnics. You will note that you may have to bake the cake just a few minutes more. Be sure to check with the skewer for doneness.

So that’s going to wrap this up for this exceptional food no oven chocolate cake | chocolate biscuit cake | chocolate cake recipe | eggless biscuit cake recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!