Thukpa(a tasty soup)
Thukpa(a tasty soup)

Hello everybody, it’s Brad, welcome to our recipe page. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, thukpa(a tasty soup). It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Thukpa(a tasty soup) is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. They’re nice and they look fantastic. Thukpa(a tasty soup) is something that I’ve loved my entire life.

Thukpa is a traditional Tibetan staple food suitable for the highland climate to keep the nomads warm during the long Tibetan winters enjoying a very nutritious meal. Generally speaking, noodle soups of all kinds are known as "thukpa." Thukpa is a generic Tibetan word for any soup or stew combined with noodles. ! Basically, thukpa is a spicy noodle soup prepared with veggies or meat. As Vaandu loves soups, I wanted to try kids friendly version with less spice and also wanted to prepare it as a complete meal perfect for lunch box.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook thukpa(a tasty soup) using 22 ingredients and 17 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Thukpa(a tasty soup):
  1. Get 200 gm chicken mince
  2. Make ready 1 cup chop carrot
  3. Make ready 1/2 cup green peas
  4. Take 1/2 cup french bean
  5. Prepare 11/2 cup noodles
  6. Take 1/2 cup chop onion
  7. Take 2 tsp chop ginger
  8. Make ready 4 tsp chop tomato
  9. Make ready 5 tsp coriander leaves
  10. Take 2 tsp lemon juice
  11. Get 2 tsp soya souce
  12. Take 2 tsp salt
  13. Prepare 1 tsp corn flour
  14. Prepare 3 tsp green chilli
  15. Make ready 1/2 cup spring onion
  16. Make ready 1 tsp red chilli powder
  17. Get 2 tsp black pepper
  18. Get 1 tsp white pepper
  19. Get 4 tsp oil
  20. Take 1 tsp butter
  21. Prepare 2 tsp chop garlic
  22. Get 2 tsp oregano

You can even add veggies of your choice. Thukpa is a Himalayan noodle soup, usually served with meat and is really delicious with lean chicken. It is popular in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, and some parts of India. "Thuk" means heart so it is a heart warming dish. In Bhutan it would usually be made with buckwheat noodles Thukpa is a traditional Tibetan staple food suitable for the highland climate to keep the nomads warm during the long Tibetan winters enjoying a very nutritious meal.

Instructions to make Thukpa(a tasty soup):
  1. At first,chop all vegetables
  2. Take water in pan and boil the chicken
  3. Chop into small pieces of the chicken
  4. Then,put oil and butter in pan.
  5. Add onion,garlic,ginger and spring onion.
  6. Saute it and add tomato
  7. Then,add all vegetable with salt
  8. Saute it with both pepper and chilli powder in the vegetable in same pan
  9. Add chicken pieces in pan
  10. Saute it and add chicken stock in pan.
  11. Boil the noodles with salt
  12. Add some oil on it and make smooth.
  13. At the time of boiling,stir it
  14. Add noddles,corn flour and coriander leaves on it
  15. Lastly add soya souce,lemon juice in it and stir again
  16. Boil it and ready the soup
  17. Serve hot it in a bowl

It is popular in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, and some parts of India. "Thuk" means heart so it is a heart warming dish. In Bhutan it would usually be made with buckwheat noodles Thukpa is a traditional Tibetan staple food suitable for the highland climate to keep the nomads warm during the long Tibetan winters enjoying a very nutritious meal. Generally speaking, noodle soups of all kinds are known as "thukpa." Thukpa is a generic Tibetan word for any soup or stew combined with noodles. The chicken thukpa (noodle soup), is not only delicious, but a complete meal in itself too. It is loaded with vegetables, chicken and noodles, all dunked in a yummy broth.

So that is going to wrap this up for this special food thukpa(a tasty soup) recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!